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The Titustown Recreation Center has been kind to us by allowing us to have our meetings from Sept through May at no cost.

October 17th, 12:00pm
Kenny Alexander
Mayor - City of Norfolk

The minutes are in pdf format and are posted prior to the 5th of the month.

From Chuck's Desk

Aug 28, 2024
Super Ward 6 candidate Jeremey McGee will be attending to speak about his vision for Norfolk. I spoke with him over the phone and was surprised at his knowledge of the city budget along with the many challenges facing Norfolk. He was aware of most of our retirement issues and seemed concerned about the lack of a COLA. The only other candidate running in Super Ward 6 ,Jeremy Mason was invited, but so far has not confirmed attendance.

I have a short PowerPoint completed to give an overview of our challenges, past COLA and supplement history, along with a short version of the NERS fund balance/investment returns/expenditures.

Support on council is crucial for any hope of a COLA. A good turnout is essential when we have political speakers. I hope to see you there.

**Letter sent to all members of council fall 2023**
The Retired City Employees’ Association of Norfolk requests that consideration be given to a 3% COLA for all NERS retirees. Inflation continues to diminish our purchasing power. It is our hope that this request be discussed at the annual retreat. The below organizations represent the other shareholders among retired city employees. We are all in agreement with the 3% COLA request for this year’s FY-2025 budget.

James "Chuck" Flowers
Retired City Employees’ Association of Norfolk

Brian Lee
Fraternal Order of Police, Commodore Lodge #3

Herb Redfield
Norfolk Retired Fire Fighters

Still looking for old Retirement System Booklets

Current and newer employees have been told NERS was a defined benefit plan. This was not the written policy before 2005. Older retirees were told periodic ad hoc COLAs were at the discretion of council.

I am looking for any old retirement system booklets that were printed during the 80's or 90's to illustrate this point. If you have one, please bring it to the next meeting.

Beneficiary Information

I would like to hear from widows and widowers who were receiving benefits back when we got other COLAs i.e., pre-2008 to see if this is a new policy or something that was done this time. It would also help if those affected would come to the meetings this year when we meet with council to convey their concerns. I spoke with the other board members and none had ever encountered this issue before. Please send email if you have had this issue.

Make an Impression

When we meet with council members, they need to SEE each and every one of you. It cannot be stressed enough when there a lot of retirees in the audience, it makes an impression.

July 8, 2024
I made some inquiries concerning the recent letter from the retirement office. They are being sent out in groups of about 1500, so it may take a few months to send out all 5,000. If you received your letter someone will be contacting, you from the retirement office to verify it was you who signed the letter. This issue has been affecting many retirement funds as Social Security has only been making death notifications on about 20% of the actual deaths. I will keep you posted as I learn more on this issue. FYI Chuck.

July 5, 2024 - Death Benefit Letter
Each retiree will be receiving a letter from the Retirement Office. It contains a form to be filled out indicating basically "you are still alive". This form will be mailed annually to each retiree. If you do not receive yours, I would suggest emailing the retirement office to ensure they have your correct address. Federal Agencies & Social Security are notified once a death certificate is filed, the city is not.

Several months ago, the city discovered a substantial number of retirement deposits were being made to retirees who had passed. Since then, they have been taking steps to ensure this does not continue. The RCEAN.ORG web page, under City Resources/NERS death benefit has the correct form for death notifications.

I suggest you write down the link to the online form and keep it for estate file purposes.  This will prevent "Overpayments" which will have to be repaid by your beneficiary.

Regards, Chuck


April 15, 2024
The Meeting April 18th {Thursday} 1130 am Titustown Rec Center 7545 Diven St Norfolk. We will discuss the lack of support for Retiree COLAS on council. This Nov both of Norfolk's super wards will be replaced as the current represenatives are not running for reelection. Mr Phillip Hawkins will be speaking with us as a candidate for Super ward 7 to replace Danica Royster. He is a supporter of city retirees. I hope we can get a large turnout to hear his message. I hope to see you at the meeting.

Mar 27, 2024
The complete purposed budget is available on the city web site. Condensed versions are on all local media outlets. When we get any information that effects retirees it will be posted here and on our web page. FYI Chuck

March 22, 2024
If you refer someone to the Facebook group , I ask that you PM them to let them know that if they do not answer the questions after five days I delete them. FYI to keep our group private the group page was created as a "Secret" group by facebook rules. Basically only members can read posts add posts or comment within our group. Thanks for your support, Chuck March 19, 2024 Important notice concerning changes to the Peoplesoft system from Penny Deloach to Chuck: 
Good Evening Chuck,
I need your help sharing the important PeopleSoft Self-Service login information effective March 27, 2024. Please feel free to share the information below and post it on your webpage. The City’s Retirement webpage will reflect the same message:
Your security matters! The City and NERS are making changes to deploy enhanced security protections to safeguard your NERS PeopleSoft Self-Service online account. Following industry best practices, effective March 27, 2024, stronger password requirements will be implemented.
When your current PeopleSoft Self-Service password expires, you will be prompted to create a new, stronger password. Passwords must be at least ten characters and must include at least one of each of the following: lower case letter, upper case letter, number and a special character. Consider using a phrase or series of words that only you recognize.
Did you know? Reusing the same password for multiple accounts makes you vulnerable to cyber-attacks exposing your sensitive information. The only way to safely secure all of your accounts is by using strong, unique and random passwords for each of them.
Your User ID will not change. Click here for instructions on how to sign-in to PeopleSoft Self-Service.
Thanks for being so helpful.

Penny DeLosh
Executive Director of Retirement

Mar 7, 2024
With the COLA request being a time sensitive issue, I am posting the below sample to assist you in helping us get our message to council. Please forward the sample as indicated in the top notes. The short message helps to give it a personal touch, with the hope it is not received as a "bulk type mailing". For retirees to have any chance of receiving any COLA this budget year we need your help. FYI Your Board.

March 5, 2024
**Please Note**

The Association is requesting that all members email their respective council members, if you live outside Norfolk, I suggest you email the Mayor. The members including their wards are listed here.
These next several council meetings are critical if we have any hope of receiving a COLA. Your board has reached out to the council members we have contact with and have provided them information that supports our request for a 3% COLA for ALL RETIREES.
We also have conference call meetings with three members who support us.
With scheduling conflicts, it is not possible to have them come to the March meeting. By the time of the April meeting any budget work is over.
I have listed the letter** that we sent to all members of council last fall with the hope that it was discussed during the November retreat.
You are welcome to attach it to your email along with a few words describing how the steep inflation the past several years has affected your life.
Any hope of receiving any COLA or supplement this budget year will require your assistance.
- Chuck Flowers, President
Retired City Employees Association of Norfolk

Feb 20, 2024

Our Meeting Time as been changed to 1130am. Next meeting is March 21st {Thursday} at 1130 am. Titustown Rec Center 7545 Diven St. This was due to the Rec Center expanding its hours and we felt this would be a better fit for lunch time speakers and attendees. If you have any questions for the board and are unable to attend please post them here. We have asked superward councilwoman Danica Royster to attend and are awaiting her response.

Feb 6, 2024
The full PowerPoint presentation mentioned at the January meeting will be posted once we are able to update the 2023 current information from the Actuarial annual report. - Regards Chuck Flowers

Jan 27, 2024

If you have not received your NERS 1099-R by February 14, 2024, contact the retirement office to request a copy.

Jan 9, 2024
I would like to share a thought with you today. As of today we have 548 members on Facebook and 254 on the Web Page. The Web page idea was specifically created to enlarge our political lobbying strength. The board and Jackie have spent many hours over the summer and through the holidays trying to get a working page up on a very limited budget. The city does not put much stock in social media. There are several types of web pages. Jackies business deals in informational designs. To enable members to interact with questions comments and responses requires extra software. Jackie is trying to write a program herself. This will take some time.

So effective Feb 5th, I will post meeting details and minutes along with city leadership updates ONLY ON THE WEB PAGE. Meetings with retirees from various departments for social gatherings along with death & illness updates on our fellow retirees are welcome. No copying of information from the web page to Facebook will be allowed.

We have made the webpage free and easy to sign up. Addresses, phone numbers & email addresses are optional.

I am having serious thoughts wondering why I spend so much time with the other board members on retiree benefits and information when it seems asking our members to sign up for a free web page is not happening.

Dec 13, 2023
Web Page sign up is progressing we currently have about 215 members on the web page RCEAN.ORG.

After discussion with the Board, we have decided to keep both the Web Page & Facebook Group active until Feb 2024. After Feb 1st we will maintain the Facebook Group for sign ups along with questions and answers on retiree issues until the transition is complete. This includes notices of members in sickness or deaths. Meeting date/time/location.
Starting Feb 1st 2024 , Only the Web Page will be updated with Meeting Minutes along with Council & retirement budget issues. The Meeting Minutes and Council News along with any benefit issues will only be posted on the WEB Page after Feb 1, 2024.
Those that have concerns about giving your street address / email or phone number will notice the WEB Page Sign up makes this information OPTIONAL.
As we start our Lobby Efforts with City Leadership to affect the proposed 3% cola for all retirees, we need to increase our membership. The web page will allow us to reference the number of members we represent along with the percentages who still reside in the area. No Names, Street addresses or other information will be used. The Next meeting is Jan 18th, 2024. Location Titustown Rec Center 7545 Diven St. Norfolk at 100pm. Penny Delosh the Director of our retirement system, will be speaking along with a council member. We need your participation. FYI, Chuck
Dec 12, 2023
For the Retirees effected by the WEP provision. SS has a Medicare hold harmless provision limits the annual rise in Medicare Part B premiums deducted from Social Security benefits to no more than the cost of living increase provided to the beneficiary in a given year. This ensures that the dollar amount of the Social Security benefits paid out after deductions does not decline from one year to the next as a result of an annual increase in the Part B premium. The hold harmless provision limits the financial strain on Social Security recipients to a degree when Medicare costs rise.
Click for additional information.

Dec 1, 2023
A new national inflation study shows the average household in Virginia needs $12,230 more per year in Oct 2023 than it did in Jan 2021. The Virginia inflation during the above period was calculated at 9.01%. I plan on using this information when speaking with City Leadership this year.

Nov 20, 2023
The city has updated their website. We have updated the links on our website accordingly. We want to maintain your ability to access what you are looking quickly.

We will soon be adding a comment area to our site for you to leave suggestions, pass on information and such.

In the meantime all of us at RCEAN thank all of you for your support and membership! Nov 6, 2023
Tomorrow is election day in Virginia, every position in the general assembly is on the ballot. Many are unaware of who is running in their district. Instead of relying on social media or the news, I suggest you use Ballotpedia.

Enter your address and city. It will show you who will be on your ballot tomorrow. Each candidate has a web page where you can review their background and platform.
Be safe and please vote.

Oct 20, 2023
We are proceeding with our budget strategy for the 2024 aka FY 2025 budget. We are requesting a 3% COLA for all Norfolk retirees. The letter will be delivered to all council members prior to the retreat. There will be no meetings in NOV or DEC. Regular meetings will resume Jan 18th Thursday 2024. The Association WEB PAGE is now up for your review. We will start approving membership in Jan.

Oct 20, 2023
I will continue to maintain the Facebook page for the time being. Please give us some time to approve your membership through the website.

Oct 17, 2023
Oct 19th meeting: we will be discussing the Budget Request for this years FY 2025 budget. The New Web Page will be reviewed via computer projection for discussion prior to the official launch. We not longer have "Dues". Everyone is grandfathered until Jan 2024. Donations will be accepted then. The web page will have a PayPal option for donations. Pizza will be served, It would be helpful if we known by 10-18-23 if you are planning on attending.   I am currently working with the board to determine our budget request for this year. Whatever percentage we go with, our request will be for a COLA for all retirees. I have requested through the Mayor a meeting with the new city manager. Hopefully before the fall council retreat.  We have now met with all council members except Danica Royster. I have written her asking that she speak with us at the Oct meeting.